Sunday, February 16, 2014


Obsidian Mountain has been created for the Core Four Knights in Our Circle.

Will, Sheehan, Sean, Oliver, Danny & I have climbed to the top of Obsidian Mountain.

Upon this mountain we invite our Friends. It is for those who are committed to climb.

Upon this mountain, you will find many Adventures. Our ventures in Advertising.

Our adventures in media, art, illustration, graphics, design, connection optimization to the 'nth degree.

Those that wish to grow with a team, create a legacy for their friends and family, are those we invite to be within our circle. Where do we begin? The Circle above shows the foundation within the Center. The X for our Ten Friends in Business providing the Support.  The X within the Diamond in the Center of the Circle which includes the Core Four from our Partner that wishes to climb. Those four within the center, are those in your personal circle, combine with nine and you have the "Baker's Dozen" to grow from. Each of us have those four we wish that we provide and protect for the future and wish to leave something of value for when we are gone.  When I say each of us, I say that meaning our partners. Those wishing to join us, can share there Core Four. Who they wish to be in the Family Circle, or in the Circle of Friends. Our 10 Steps to Success is as follows....

Excalibur X "The Top of Mt Obsidian"
"The International Partners" (The Tip)
9th Level "11 Knights"
8th Level "10 Knights"
7th Level "9 Knights"
6th Level "8 Knights"
5 Star CoOp "5th"
4th Level "7 Knights"
3rd Level "6 Knights"
2nd Level "10 Friends in Business"
1st Level "CrossRoads 10"

Join in... Rise... Shine!

Russian, Norwegian, Canadian, Indian, Englishman, American & more...

9 Countries, 9 Partners, 9 Cultures as your Friends in Business, my Friends in Business.

We begin in the Community as your Support Team. 
We grow to your Core Four and Our Friends to assist. 

Our Partners:

American Birthday Club, Lotus Spices, Gemini's Network, TwinStar, Sullins CoOp, Hawk Valley Association, Get Art Marketing, CrossRoads and beyond!

Our Members Get Paid

Launching 3/21/14 to be paid from a Community Circle, a City Circle, a County Circle, California CoOp of Partners overseeing over 50 Counties. 5050 USA partners overseeing each State. ICU Partners creating "International, Community & USA CoOps" partnering with those that rise and shine.


Penguin Partners
Falcon Fortress
Hawk Valley
Eagle Art
Angel's Stars
Phoenix Partners
Obsidian Knights
Excalibur X
Obsidian Diamonds

"81 At Your Service" 

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